Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
Thank you for your suggestion to digitize the document.
If the physical condition of the document and other circumstances permit, we will digitize it in the near future and publish it in the MZK Digital Library. Due to legal restrictions, only works that are not covered by copyright or publishing rights, or works that can be placed on the List of works not available on the market, will be made freely available there (with the possibility of viewing outside the MZK building). Copyright applies to documents where the persons involved in their creation (authors, translators, illustrators, etc.) died less than 70 years ago. Publishing rights allow publication of works no earlier than 50 years after their publication. Under the law, protected works can only be published in the library building on computers that do not allow the downloading of a digital copy.
If you would like to receive information about the result of the digitization, please fill in your e-mail address.