Origines Hebraeae: The Antiquities of the Hebrew Republick : In Four Books : I. The Origin of the Hebrews; their Civil Government, the Constitution of the Sanhedrim; Forms of Trial in Courts of Justice, etc. II. The Ecclesiastical Government, the Consecration of the High-Priests, Priests, and Levites. The Revenue of the Priesthood. The Sects among the Hebrews, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, etc. III. Places of Worship. The Use of High-Places; a Survey of the Tabernacle, and the Proseucha's of the Hebrews. A Description of the first Temple from the Scriptures, and of the second from the Rabbinical Writing. The sacred Utensils. The Institution of Synagogues. etc. IV. The Religion of the Hebrews. Their Sacrifices; and their Libations. The burning of the Red-Heiser, and Ceremonies of Purification. Their Sacraments, Publick Fasts and Festivals, etc. Design'd as an Explanation of every Branch of the Levitical Law, and of all the Ceremonies and Usages of the Hebrews, both Civil and Secred. Vol. I.
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- Hlavní autor
- Typ dokumentu
- Knihy
- Fyzický popis
- ix, [7], 285 s. ; 4°
- Vydáno
Dublin :
Harbin, Thomas,
Dublin : Rider, Pressick, 1725 - Témata
- Popis jednotky
- Výzdoba: Titulní strany tištěna červeně a černě, vlysy, ozdobné linky, viněty
- Historie vlastnictví
- Provenience: Ex Libris Caroli Edvardi Comitis Magawly 1761
- Vazba
- Původní kožená vazba